US DOE WInd Turbines

Variables Affecting Wind Turbine Power

Lesson Number:

Now that students are familiar with how mechanical electricity generation works, they will build a wind turbine powered by a box fan. Different teams will test different turbine variables to see how the amount of electrical power is affected. After each...

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Learning Goal(s):
• Students will be able to identify and explain at least three variables that affect the efficiency of wind turbines • Students will conduct a scientific investigation to determine which wind turbine configuration will generate the most power
Craig Marais
Estimated Activity Length:
4 hours
Earth Sun

Heat Transfer

Lesson Number:

Students will observe that heat naturally spreads from warmer places to cooler places and that some materials spread (conduct) heat and others keep it from spreading (insulate).

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will observe how some materials conduct heat and others insulate heat.
Pedagogy & Practice:
Lisa Morgan
Estimated Activity Length:
30 min

Observing and Keeping Records

Lesson Number:

Students will review basic scientific observation methods and the importance of keeping and reporting accurate observations. Teacher will discuss with students the different types of variables that they can use in order to gather data and make conclusions...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will review scientific observations methods learned earlier and the application of those methods for the solar energy unit. Students will practice observations and data recording. Students will explain the importance of selecting useful variables from which they can collect data. Students will be prepared to implement an experiment in the classroom that they can draw conclusions from.
Eric Gronseth
Relevant NGSS PE:
Estimated Activity Length:
40 min
Solar Water Heating Experiment

Setting Up the Experiment - Solar Water Heating

Lesson Number:

Students will set up the experiment that they will use to determine the amount of energy from the sun that can be used to heat water and the variables that can help the exchange of heat most effectively. They will accomplish this through setting up simple...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will use their previous learning about observation and solar power to set up an experiment to determine the amount of heat that can be collected in water containers from the sun. Students will determine three variables that affect the jug’s absorption and trapping of energy from the sun. Students will take data measurements from these set ups in order to make evidence-based conclusions from the experiment.
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices:
Eric Gronseth
Estimated Activity Length:
40 min

Passive Solar Water Heating: Collecting and Reporting Data, Making Recommendations

Lesson Number:

Students will explore ways that the sun can be used to heat water and the variables involved in the efficiency of using the sun to heat water for use in homes or businesses. They will determine this through taking measurements of their solar water heaters...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will identify variables related to the sun heating water such as time of exposure, air temperature, and color of container. Student groups will design and build solar water heater containers using five-gallon water jugs. Students will design containers using color, cover material, and surround as variables. Students will predict which container and location will collect the most heat from the sun.
Eric Gronseth
Estimated Activity Length:
1 hour
Solar Boat Race

Analyze Data and Develop Conclusions

Lesson Number:

Students have performed the investigation. They will now analyze their data, refer to their initial predictions, and develop their conclusions. Students will have the opportunity to discuss the usefulness of both quantitative and qualitative data forms,...

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Learning Goal(s):
Students will analyze data from the solar boat races and develop conclusions. Students will write out their conclusions in a clear, articulate manner that demonstrates the usage of evidence from their own observations. Students will determine specific uses for quantitative vs. qualitative data in science experiments.
Pedagogy & Practice:
Carol Patrick
Estimated Activity Length:
0 sec